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Marc Hufnagl Words and Music

Marc Hufnagl, a musician from Lunden, Switzerland via Oakland, California, wrote and performed rich, beautiful songs filled with unique intimacy. Marc’s music evoked the spirit of 1970s Laurel Canyon (California), with his poetic songs of our universal experience.


Marc, a self-taught multi-instrumentalist, combined rich sonic textures via alternate guitar tunings paired with his lush vocal delivery of his deep-reaching lyrics. Marc released two, full-length albums, “The Language of Snow”, and “Lunden”.


"Marc Hufnagl delivers a daily dose of Zen in “The Language of Snow” Sometimes we all need to slow down, reflect, let the heart & mind become one & welcome a journey of love & tranquility... “The Language of Snow” takes me to places both past & present. The poetic lyrics of every song bear some personal insight through the simplicity of a voice & guitar that is true. This artist shares his story with no need for overdubbing... Honest music that is reminiscent of Joni Mitchell & James Taylor... Take time & listen to what the snow is saying... to you. I recommend it." - Corliss Cogan, 2019.



Verein Marc Hufnagl Legacy

Obergasse 6 / 7222 Lunden

IBAN: CH06 0077 4010 4557 4510 0

Graubündner Kantonal Bank

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